I have a reference request on following comment I found in NcatlabnLab article on Karoubian categories & envelopsenvelopes. It states:
$$\text{ "The Karoubian envelope is also used in the construction of the } \\ \text{ category of pure motives, and in K-theory." } $$
The Karoubian envelope is also used in the construction of the category of pure motives, and in K-theory.
Almost every introduction to motives containing the basic constructions (eg Manin's "Correspondences, motifs and monoidal transformations" as 'standard' reference) includes the fundamental part where one passes from the category $(\mathsf{Sm}/k)$ of smooth curves over $k$ to its Karoubian closure.
On the other hand I'm not sure to which construction in K-theory where the Karoubian envelope is involved, the quoted sentence refers.
The first naivenaïve observation is that for a ring $R$ the $K_0(R)$ in algebraic $K$K-theory is obtained as a certain quotient group ("Grothendieck group") of the set of projective $R$-modules. This set of projective $R$-modules can be reinterpreted as the Karoubian envelope of the set of free $R$-modules.
Question: Is this this the only explicit usage of Karoubian envelope in constructions in K-theory or are there more general cases? I'm quite not sure if the remark above only refers to this 'baby' case with $K_0(R)$, or are there are more general constuructionsconstructions in $K$K-theory where Karoubian envelopes are involved?.
For example another NcatlabnLab article on the more general development of $K$K-theory nowhere explains where Karoubian envelope is explicitelyexplicitly used as a technical tool for certain constructions. Therefore I would like to know if there are some recommendable papers on development of $K$K-theory where such konstructionconstructions involving Karoubian envelopes are discussed.