This is in part motivated from my attempt to understand tate diagonal in III.1 of Thomas Nikolaus, Peter Scholze, On topological cyclic homology, arXiv:1707.01799. I just want to make my understanding precise.
Particular goal:
How the Tate diagonal map (III.1 of paper) map $T_p: Sp \rightarrow Sp$ $$ X \mapsto (X \otimes \cdots \otimes X)^{tC_p}$$ is defined rigorously. What I could define: I could define a map $$ Sp \rightarrow Sp^{\times n} \rightarrow Sp$$ $$ X \mapsto (X,\ldots, X) \mapsto X \otimes \cdots \otimes X $$ using monoidal structure of $Sp^\otimes$ of spectra.
Question How do I rigorously lift this to map $Sp^{BC_p}$? ( allowing me to apply the Tate functor $(-)^{tC_p} : Sp^{BC_p} \rightarrow Sp$. )
EDIT: Most of my question of this goal have been resolved in the replies below (of which all are nice answers). I still have the following confusion
how does one prove formulas fo the underlying(under the notation of Maxime) the adjunction: $$ U:Sp^{BG} \rightarrow Sp:Ind, CoInd $$ of "forgetful"/"inclusion"? where Ind and CoInd are left and right adjoint respectively. i.e. It seems that $$ \bigoplus_g X \simeq UInd X $$ $$ U CoInd X \simeq ?? $$
In particular I am confused about the computation $CoInd(Sp) \simeq Sp^{\times n}$.