This earlier MO question asks to find the minimum size of a partial order that is universal for all partial orders of size $n$, i.e. any partial order of size $n$ embeds into it, preserving the order. In particular, the question asks if the minimum size $f(n)$ has a polynomial upper bound, to which the answer is no.
In this question, I am interested in some concrete values of $f(n)$ for small $n$. So far, I know that:
$f(0) = 0$
$f(1) = 1$
$f(2) = 3$
$f(3) = 5$
$f(4) = 8$
$f(n) \ge 2n - 1$
$f(n) \in \Omega(n^k)$ for all $k$
Can we compute some additional values in this sequence? In particular, can we compute $f(5)$?
I was able to verify $f(4) = 8$ using a computer-assisted proof using a SAT solver. I also tried naive enumeration of posets and checking for universality, but this fails at around $f(4)$. Computing $f(5)$ may require smarter enumeration, in particular better symmetry breaking.
The sequence does not appear to be in OEIS yet (it does not appear to be any of the sequences beginning with 1, 3, 5, 8). I submitted this draft, and it was suggested that the sequence should be posted to MathOverflow to find more terms.