My experiments suggest Maple has the best implementation of the Risch-Trager-Bronstein algorithm for the integration of purely algebraic integrals in terms of elementary functions (ref: table 1, section 3 of Sam Blake, Simple Method for Computing Some Pseudo-Elliptic Integrals in Terms of Elementary Functions, arXiv:2004.04910). However, Maple's implementation does not integrate expressions containing parameters or nested radicals (both of which has some support in AXIOM and FriCAS).
$$\int\frac{\left(p x^2-q\right) \left(p x^2-x+q\right)dx}{x \left(p x^2+2 x+q\right) \sqrt{2 p^2x^4+2 p x^3+(4 p q+1) x^2+2 q x+2 q^2}} = - \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\log (x) + \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\log \left(\sqrt{2} y +2 p x^2+x+2q\right) - \frac{3}{\sqrt{5}}\tanh ^{-1}\left(\frac{\sqrt{5} y}{3 p x^2+3 q+x}\right),$$ where $y=\sqrt{2 p^2 x^4+2 p x^3+(4 pq+1)x^2+2 q x+2 q^2}$. My heuristic in the heuristicpreviously-linked paper computes this integral quickly with the substitution $u=\frac{px^2+q}{p x}$.