Remark. If, in the definition of $A_G$, we replace the condition $$ \text{for all $s,t \in G$, } |s-t| \leq \Delta \ \Rightarrow \ |\omega(s)-\omega(t)| \leq M $$ with a more general condition of the form $$ \text{for all $s$ with $[s,s+\Delta] \subset G$, } \ \left.\big(\omega(\,\cdot\, + s)-\omega(s)\big)\right|_{[0,\Delta]} \in \mathcal{D} $$ for some closed set $\mathcal{D} \subset C_0([0,\Delta],\mathbb{R})$, even if we still require that $\mathbb{P}_G(A_G)>0$ for every compact interval $G \ni 0$, I expect that the limiting measure $\tilde{P}_{[0,\tau]}$ defined in part (A) will not necessarily exist.