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Timeline for A question on Grothendieck space

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Aug 15, 2020 at 16:39 comment added Bill Johnson @DirkWerner: So your answer and remark show that $X$ has the property in Q2 if and only if $X^*$ is weakly sequentially complete.
Aug 15, 2020 at 15:22 vote accept Dongyang Chen
Aug 15, 2020 at 12:56 comment added Dirk Werner @Giorgio: Yes, separability of the bidual is good enough, e.g., the bidual of the James space is separable. And a separable Grothendieck space is reflexive. -- Q2 is true in a Grothendieck space (or any other space with a wsc dual); but I read the question as about general Banach spaces.
Aug 15, 2020 at 9:04 comment added Giorgio Metafune @ Dirk Werner Nice argument! Q2 seems to be false since $B_{X^*}$ is $w$-dense in $B_{X^{***}}$ but we need an $X$ where this density is realized through sequences. Maybe some separabilty of $X^{**}$ suffices and the space should not have the Grothendieck property.
Aug 15, 2020 at 8:46 comment added Dirk Werner Call the condition in Q1 Cauchy Grothendieck. Let $X$ have this property. If $(x_n^*)$ is w$^*$ null, it has a limit $x^{***}\in X^{***}$. To show that it is $0$, consider the w$^*$ null sequence $(x_1^*, 0, x_2^*, 0, \dots)$ interlacing the given sequence with $0$. It has a limit $y^{***}\in X^{***}$ since the space is Cauchy Grothendieck. Now along the odd integers, the new sequence tends tends to $x^{***}$, along the even integers it tends to $0$. Hence $x^{***}=0$.
Aug 15, 2020 at 7:12 comment added Dirk Werner @Dongyang: You are right!
Aug 15, 2020 at 0:40 comment added Dongyang Chen Using the criterion you mentioned, it seems that we can only prove the necessary part of Q1, but can not prove the sufficient part.
Aug 15, 2020 at 0:33 comment added Dongyang Chen Since $(x^{*}_{n})$ is weak*-null, $x^{***}(x)=0$ for all $x\in X$,i.e.,$x^{***}$ is in the annihilator of $X$ in $X^{***}$. But this does not necessarily imply that $x^{***}=0$. We have to prove that $x^{***}=0$.
Aug 14, 2020 at 17:04 history answered Dirk Werner CC BY-SA 4.0