However, they coincide when $\mathcal C$ is locally $\kappa$-presentable as a $\mathcal V$-category: so all the $\kappa$-presentable objects are $\kappa$-compact in the enriched sense. The reason for this This is actually in the BQR paper you cite (Lemma 6.5) and follows from the following fact. Let us write $\mathcal A$ for the essentially small full subcategory of $\kappa$-presentable objects. Clearly $\mathcal A$ has $\kappa$-small colimits, and $\mathcal C$ is the free completion $\kappa\text-\mathbf{Filt}(\mathcal A)$ of $\mathcal A$ under conical $\kappa$-filtered colimits. But in fact, $\mathcal C$ is also the free completion $\kappa\text-\mathbf{Flat}(\mathcal A)$ of $\mathcal A$ under $\kappa$-flat colimits. Given this, a functor out of $\mathcal C$ preserves conical $\kappa$-filtered colimits iff it is the left Kan extension of its own restriction to $\mathcal A$, iff it preserves $\kappa$-flat colimits: in particular, $\kappa$-presentability and $\kappa$-compactness in $\mathcal C$ will coincide.
That $\kappa\text-\mathbf{Flat}(\mathcal A) = \kappa\text-\mathbf{Filt}(\mathcal A)$ is proven in Theorem 6.11 of Kelly's "Structures defined by...". Here's a brief summary. Firstly, $\kappa\text-\mathbf{Flat}(\mathcal A)$ is fairly easily seen to be the category of $\kappa$-continuous $\mathcal V$-functors $\mathcal A^{op} \to \mathcal{V}$, and is reflective in $[\mathcal A^{op},\mathcal V]$. But since every $X \in [\mathcal A^{op}, \mathcal V]$ can be written as a conical $\kappa$-filtered colimit of a $\kappa$-small colimit of representables, it follows that every $X \in \kappa\text-\mathbf{Flat}(\mathcal A)$ can also be so written; and since the representables in $\kappa\text-\mathbf{Flat}(\mathcal A)$ are closed under $\kappa$-small colimits, every $X \in \kappa\text-\mathbf{Flat}(\mathcal A)$ can be written as a conical $\kappa$-filtered colimit of representablesor equally by Prop 4. In particular, $\kappa\text-\mathbf{Flat}(\mathcal A)$ is the closure5 of the representables therein under conical $\kappa$-filtered colimits, but since these commute with $\kappa$-small limits, they are computed as in the whole presheaf category $[\mathcal A^{op},\mathcal V]$; soBQR $\kappa\text-\mathbf{Flat}(\mathcal A)$ is equally the closure of the representables(as you mention in $[\mathcal A^{op},\mathcal V]$ under conical $\kappa$-filtered colimits, which is precisely $\kappa\text-\mathbf{Filt}(\mathcal A)$your question.)