Actually, you can, and you don't need accessibility (local presentability of the underlying category is enough).
Under your assumption, for each $i:A \to B$ a generating cofibration, take $B \coprod_A B \hookrightarrow I_A B \to B$ a cylinder object, and let $j_i : B \hookrightarrow I_A B$ be the first leg inclusion. Then the $j_i$ form a generating set of trivial cofibrations.
The proof essentially use that all objects are fibrant, and that you can consider the weak factorization system generated by the $j_i$ (so some smallness or local presentability assumption).
The key step in the proof is to observe that a map that has the RLP against the $j_i$ and is a weak equivalence is a trivial fibration. This easily follows from the fact that weak equivalences between fibrant objects have the "up to homotopy" lifting property against all cofibration and that lifting property against the $j_i$ is enough to rectify this in an actual lifting property. One then check by hand the cofibration, weak equivalence and the map with the lifting property against the $j_i$ forms a model structure, with the same cofirbation and weak equivalences as the one you started from, hence is the the same model structure.
I found it explicitly written out as corollary 3.2 of this paper of Valery Isaev.:
Valery Isaev, On fibrant objects in model categories, Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 33, 2018, No. 3, pp 43-66, journal page, arXiv:1312.4327