(I write an answer rather than a comment in order to accommodate exact sequences.)
Let $$0\to T\to E\to\Gamma\to 1\tag{$E_1$}$$ be your first group extension, where $T$ is the torus ${\Bbb R}^n/{\Bbb Z}^n$. Write $R_k\subset T$ for the kernel of multiplication by $k$ in $T$ and consider your second exact sequence $$0\to T/R_k\to E/R_k\to\Gamma\to 1.\tag{$E_2$}$$ To the extension $E_1$$(E_1)$ we associate its cohomology class $\eta_1\in H^2(\Gamma,T)$, and to extension $E_2$$(E_2)$ we associate its class $\eta_2\in H^2(\Gamma,T/R_k)$. Then it follows from the constructions of $\eta_1$ and $\eta_2$ that $\eta_2$ is the image of $\eta_1$ under the homomorphism $$\phi_*\colon H^2(\Gamma,T) \to H^2(\Gamma,T/R_k)$$ induced by the canonical homomorphism $$\phi\colon T\to T/R_k.$$ We have not yet used the assumption that $T$ is a torus and that $\#\Gamma=k$.
Now consider the surjective homomorphism $$\alpha\colon T\to T,\quad x\mapsto kx.$$ Its kernel is $R_k$, and so it induces an isomorphism $$\alpha_*\colon T/R_k\to T.$$ Identifying $T/R_k$ with $T$ using $\alpha_*$, we obtain that our $$\phi\colon T\to T$$ is multiplication by $k$. It follows that $$\phi_*\colon H^2(\Gamma,T) \to H^2(\Gamma,T)$$ is multiplication by $k$ as well. Since $\Gamma$ is a group of order $k$, multiplication by $k$ annihilates $H^2(\Gamma,T)$. See Corollary 1 of Proposition 8 in Section 6, page 105, of: Atiyah and Wall, Cohomology of groups, in: Cassels and Fröhlich (eds.), Algebraic Number Theory, Acad. Press 1967, pp. 94-115. It follows that $\eta_2=0$ and the sequence $E_2$$(E_2)$ splits.