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Jun 28, 2020 at 12:30 comment added Pedro Hola @MarcoFarinati ! Of course. I am looking for something similar to: a Lie algebroid on $M$ is the same as a Lie—Rinehart pair $(C^\infty(M),\mathfrak g)$. So I guess the equivalent I want here is just some vector fields that satisfy the defining relations on $\mathfrak g$, yeah. Perhaps there are more interesting examples...
Jun 28, 2020 at 4:14 comment added Marco Farinati Deriving the action of G in C infty you always get an action of the Lie algebra by derivations on functions
Jun 28, 2020 at 4:11 comment added Marco Farinati Hi Pedro. Any context in mind? If $\mathfrak g=0$ then Tour question is "what is a natural comm algebra?". If the answer is "a space", then with $\mathfrak g$ then answer is "a space with some vector fields".. I know you know that answer, but what are you looking for? The symmetric algebra in some natural representation?
Jun 23, 2020 at 17:23 history asked Pedro CC BY-SA 4.0