It is easy to endow the set of vertex-labelled graphs with $n$ vertices with a lattice structure: take the union and the intersection of the edge set as meet and join respectively.
However, I wonder whether there is a 'nice'‘nice’ lattice structure on unlabelled graphs, i.e., graphs up to isomorphism.
I'd also be happy with a lattice structure on a (reasonably) large subset, if this makes things any easier, ege.g., connected or planar graphs on $n$ vertices.
To clarify: a very non-'nice'‘nice’ way to make the set of unlabelled graphs on $n$ vertices into a lattice is to pick an arbitrary total order.
An idea for a slightly nicer way might be to set $G < H$ if and only if $H$ has more edges than $G$, however this does not produce a lattice.