I believe this question to be common knowledge for people working in the area. I have posted it on Mathstackexchange but nobody replied.
Consider a loop $\gamma:\mathbb{S}^1\to M^{2n}$ in a symplectic manifold $(M^{2n},\omega)$. Let $J$ be an $\omega$-compatible almost complex structure on $M$. My naive question is: when does $\gamma$ bound a pseudoholomorphic curve? More precisely,
when there does exists a Riemann surface with boundary $\Sigma$, and a J-holomorphic map $u:\Sigma\to (M,J)$ such that $u|_{\partial \Sigma} \equiv \gamma$ ?
I do not know much about pseudoholomorhic curves, I see that some people requires some conditions on the boundary like, contact type or totally real, if you want you can consider these assumptions or deal with these cases.