$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ There are no such examples.
Suppose $ $$f$ is such a function. Choose a sequence of points $ $$p_n$ such that $ $$|\nabla_{p_n}f|\to\infty$. Let $ $$f_n$ be a function with $ $$p_n$ shifted to a fixed point $ $$p$. So $ $$f_n(x)=f\circ\iota_n(x)$ where $ $$\iota_n$ is a motion such that $ $$\iota(p)=p_n$. Pass to a converging subsequence of the functions $$\phi_n=\frac{f_n-f_n(p)}{|\nabla_pf_n|}$$ denote its limit by $ $$\phi_\infty$.
Note that $ $$\phi_\infty$ has vanishing Hessian and nonvanishing gradinet $ $--- a contradiction.