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It is known that each complex structures on $\mathbb{R}^2$ is biholomorphic to either $\mathbb{C}$ or the open unit disk $\Delta$.

One can continuously deform one complex structure to the other as is for example done in - Deformations of Riemann surfaces (page 3).

My question is

Can this deformation be taken to be holomorphic on the deformation parameter? That is, does there exist a non-trivial complex analytic family $M \to D$ where $D \subset \mathbb{C}$ is a small disk and, the central fiber is biholomorphic to $\mathbb{C}$, and the generic fiber is biholomorphic to $\Delta$?

Note that all the theorems that assure complex analytic triviality of deformations when $H^1(X,TX)$ vanishes, use the hypothesis that $X$ is compact.

It is known that each complex structures on $\mathbb{R}^2$ is biholomorphic to either $\mathbb{C}$ or the open unit disk $\Delta$.

One can continuously deform one complex structure to the other as is for example done in (page 3).

My question is

Can this deformation be taken to be holomorphic on the deformation parameter? That is, does there exist a non-trivial complex analytic family $M \to D$ where $D \subset \mathbb{C}$ is a small disk and the central fiber is biholomorphic to $\mathbb{C}$ and the generic fiber is biholomorphic to $\Delta$?

Note that all the theorems that assure complex analytic triviality of deformations when $H^1(X,TX)$ vanishes, use the hypothesis that $X$ is compact.

It is known that each complex structures on $\mathbb{R}^2$ is biholomorphic to either $\mathbb{C}$ or the open unit disk $\Delta$.

One can continuously deform one complex structure to the other as is for example done in Winkelmann - Deformations of Riemann surfaces (page 3).

My question is

Can this deformation be taken to be holomorphic on the deformation parameter? That is, does there exist a non-trivial complex analytic family $M \to D$ where $D \subset \mathbb{C}$ is a small disk, the central fiber is biholomorphic to $\mathbb{C}$, and the generic fiber is biholomorphic to $\Delta$?

Note that all the theorems that assure complex analytic triviality of deformations when $H^1(X,TX)$ vanishes, use the hypothesis that $X$ is compact.

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Holomorphic deformation of complex structure on the real plane

It is known that each complex structures on $\mathbb{R}^2$ is biholomorphic to either $\mathbb{C}$ or the open unit disk $\Delta$.

One can continuously deform one complex structure to the other as is for example done in (page 3).

My question is

Can this deformation be taken to be holomorphic on the deformation parameter? That is, does there exist a non-trivial complex analytic family $M \to D$ where $D \subset \mathbb{C}$ is a small disk and the central fiber is biholomorphic to $\mathbb{C}$ and the generic fiber is biholomorphic to $\Delta$?

Note that all the theorems that assure complex analytic triviality of deformations when $H^1(X,TX)$ vanishes, use the hypothesis that $X$ is compact.