Thus $G$ gives an $A_3$-monoidal groupoid which does not arise from an $A_4$-monoidal one, equivalently, not from a strictly monoidal one.
EDIT: As Harry notes, this is not quite a counterexample to your question, as it's not clear that it's impossible to make a different choice of the associators that would extend to $A_4$. It seems unlikely, but also that it would be complicated to make an elementary argument against it.
Here is a proposed easier example, coming from $\mathcal C=\mathrm{Cat}$ instead of $\mathrm{Gpd}$, again with the canonical model structure. We let $C$ be the free $A_3$-monoidal category generated by a co-pointed object. So as compared to $G$ from above, $C$ contains a map $p:x\to I$ contracting a leaf which freely generates $C$ from $G$ under $\otimes$ and naturality with respect to the elementary moves. I'll refer to any tensor product of $p$'s and identities as a projection. Call the canonical associators, given by elementary moves, $\alpha$; I claim there is no alternative choice $\beta$ of associators for an $A_3$-structure on $C$, so that $C$'s underlying $\mathrm{Ho}(\mathrm{Cat})$-enriched category arises from no monoidal category.
To show that $C$ admits no $A_4$-monoidal structure, note that $\beta_{x,x,x}:(xx)x\to x(xx)$ is uniquely determined as it was in $G$-we've added no new morphisms between isomorphic trees. Furthermore, while morphisms between trees with different numbers of leaves cannot be uniquely written as strings of elementary moves and projections, the only relation on them is naturality of projections with respect to elementary moves. The induced equivalence relation respects lengths of strings of elementary moves and projections, so that any morphism of $C$ has a well defined length given by the length of any representing string of elementary moves and projections.
Then to show for instance that $\beta_{xx,x,x}=\alpha_{xx,x,x}$, we can consider the equality $$(px)(xx)\circ \beta_{xx,x,x}=\beta_{x,x,x}\circ ((px)x)x:((xx)x)x\to x(xx).$$ This implies that $\beta_{xx,x,x}$ must be an elementary move, by computing lengths. And there is a unique elementary move $((xx)x)x\to (xx)(xx)$, namely $\alpha_{xx,x,x}$. Similarly one shows all the associators between four-leaf trees are the canonical ones, so that the pentagon cannot commute.
If I haven't missed anything in this example, it seems as if its nerve should give rise to an $A_3$-but-not-$A_4$ space. I can't tell if it can be made to give such a groupoid, though.