Proof: Suppose all the $x_i$ have $|x_i|\ge k/c$. Let $P = x_1x_2\cdots x_t$. We rewrite the equation $f(x_1,\ldots,x_t)=0$ so the left side has the term with $P$, and the right side has everything else. The left side is $cP$. On the right side, each product of variables is at most $P/(k/c)$, since each of those products is missing at least one factor that goes into $P$. Taking absolute values gives $c|P| \le (k-c)|P|/(k/c)$$c|P| \le (k-c)\,|P|\,/(k/c)$, which is impossible.
Let $c$ be the coefficient of $x_1x_2\cdots x_t$ in a multilinear $f(x_1,\ldots,x_t)$ where each $x_i$ appears non-trivially.
Proof of conjecture mod $p^r$: Assume wlog that the gcd of the non-constant coefficients is $1$. Let $c_S x_S$ be a term of minimal degree among all those non-constant terms of $f$ whose coefficients are relatively prime to $p$. Let $j$ be the smallest index in $S$. Then set $x_i = 1$ if $i \in S - \{j\}$, set $x_i = 0$ if $i \notin S$. The resulting restriction of $f$ is of the form $(c_S + pq) x_j + b$, and since $c_S+pq$ is invertible mod $p^r$, this has a root mod $p^r$. Example: Let $x=x_1$, $y=x_2$, $z=x_3$. To find a root for $xy+yz+zx+2x+1$ mod $8$, we can take $xy$ as the term of minimal degree among all those terms whose coefficients are relatively prime to $2$. So we set $y=1$, $z=0$, and the polynomial reduces to $3x+1$, which indeed has a root mod $8$ with $x=5$.
Reason for non-triviality: $z$ appears trivially in $f(x,y,z)=5xy+2x+2y$, which is why this conjecture doesn't apply to that $f$, e.g. it does not represent $3$.
Comments on general approaches: As Will Sawin's answer points out, given that the conjecture holds mod $p^r$, and that the real version holds trivially, the conjecture is equivalent to a Hasse principle. The linear argument above handles the cases of $f(x)$ and $f(x,y)$; I hope someone else will be able to prove the case of $f(x,y,z)$; and for $f(w,x,y,z)$, I can either prove the conjecture outright or reduce it to the three-variable case so long as $f$ has a coefficient of 0 for one of $wxy$, $wxz$, $wyz$ or $xyz$.
Algorithm conditional on the above
Recall that $t$ is the number of variables.