This is not a complete answer to the question, but hereEdit on July 31: Now the upper bound is tight (up to replacing n by O(n)). The improvement over the older version is in the argument after Lemma 1. Now we consider the Weil absolute logarithmic height of an algebraic number instead of the length.
Here is a proof that D(n) is at most doubly-exponential with quadratic exponent, i.e., D(n) < 22cn2 for some positive constant c>0 for sufficiently large n. In other words, the answer to the “can one do better” part of the question 2 is negative.
As Terry Tao pointed out, this problem can be rephrased in the algebraic form. We have z0=0 and z1=1, and any zn (n≥2) can be obtained from earlier numbers by addition, subtraction, multiplication, division or square root. The claim follows if |zn| < 22O(n2).
TheThere is a function called the lengthWeil absolute logarithmic height of anh(α) defined on algebraic numbernumbers α is the sum of the absolutewhich takes nonnegative real values of the coefficients of the integer-coefficient minimum polynomial of α.
Lemma 2: If algebraic numbers α and β have degree at most d and length at most L, then α+β, α−β, αβ, α/β and √α have length at most 2d2((d+1)L)2d See Section 3.
Proof idea: Construct the minimum polynomials2 of α+β etc. by using resultants,[Wal00] for its definition and bound the lengths of the constructed polynomials by straightforward calculation. (end of proof idea of Lemma 2)the following properties:
- If α is an algebraic number of degree d, then |α| ≤ exp(dh(α)).
- If p and q are integers which are relatively prime, then h(p/q) = ln max{|p|,|q|}.
- If α and β are algebraic numbers, then h(α+β) ≤ h(α) + h(β) + ln 2.
- If α and β are algebraic numbers, then h(αβ) ≤ h(α) + h(β).
- If α is an algebraic number and n is an integer, then h(αn) = |n|h(α). In particular, h(√α)=h(α)/2.
By combining Lemmas 1 and 2 and using the properties 2–5 and the mathematical induction, we obtaincan prove that the length of zh(zn is at most) ≤ 22n2+n+1n =ln 22O(n2).
Since the length is an upper bound on By combining the heightproperty 1 and the absolute value of a root of a polynomial is at mostLemma 1 plus the height of the polynomial, we obtain that |zn| is also at most≤ 22O(n2)2n.
Remark References
[Wal00] Michel Waldschmidt: I do not claim that the bound in Lemma 2 is close to optimal. However, even if the bound in Lemma 2 is improved to, say, L√(d), the upper bound on D(n) we obtain is still 22O(n2). In particularDiophantine Approximation on Linear Algebraic Groups: Transcendence Properties of the Exponential Function in Several Variables, if D(n) < 22cn for some constant c>0 for sufficiently large nSpringer, its proof cannot be obtained by improving the bound in Lemma 2 alone2000.