Let $P\to M$ be a $G$-principal bundle where $P,M$ are smooth manifolds and $G$ is a Lie group with Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, whose center is denoted by $C(\mathfrak{g})$.
Let $\omega$ be the connection form of a connection for our principal bundle.
We define a distribution on the total space $P$ as follows: $$(*)\qquad \{v\in T_xP\mid \omega(v)\in C(\mathfrak{g}),\quad x\in P\}$$
This$$ \{v\in T_xP\mid \omega(v)\in C(\mathfrak{g}),\quad x\in P\}. \label{1}\tag{$*$}$$ This defines a $G$-invariant distribution on $P$.
Under what algebraic conditions on $\omega$, $(*)$\eqref{1} is an integrable distribution? What is a precise example of a foliation which can be generated in this way and the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ is not commutative? Is there an example of this situation such that we have a leaf with non-trivial holonomy? On the other extreme, what is an example of a distribution $(*)$\eqref{1} which is not integrable?
As a second question, is there a geometric interpretation for the following algebraic condition: $$(\omega \wedge d\omega)(X,Y,Z)\in C(\mathfrak{g}),\quad \forall X,Y,Z\in T_x P,\; x\in P\quad ?$$