When property P is universal ($\forall ...$) it is likely to correspond to closed sets, and thus be preserved under intersection. Examples: axioms of a group, ring, field, directed graph; having symmetry under a given group.
However, if P is existential ($\exists ...$) it corresponds to open sets and is more likely to be preserved by unions (or coproductsproducts), not intersections. Examples: being algebraically closed, having at least 53 elements. (Well, algebraic closure is $\forall \exists$ so of course it is even more complicated. But falling out of the pure $\forall$ class it fails the intersection property.)
The first situation is possibly more common because we want structures to satisfy some, well, structural properties. Properties expressed by equations usually correspond to closed sets.
To some extent this is formalized in Birkhoff's theorem On equational presentations. Any book on Universal Algebra will discuss it.
Also, the sample of concepts is biased, because definitions that become standard are often selected for their useful formal properties. Concepts not having stability under intersection (or union, or inheritance by sub- or super-structures) are less likely to be used.