There is actually a type of cardinal that satisfies this, called the "stationarily superhuge" cardinals. A cardinal $\kappa$ is called stationarily superhuge if the $\{\lambda|\kappa\text{ is huge with target }\lambda\}$ is stationary. If $\kappa$ is stationarily superhuge, $V_\kappa\prec V$, and moreover $L_\kappa\prec L$. The reason for this is that $\{\lambda|V_\lambda\prec V\}$ is club, assuming the existence of a stationarily superhuge cardinal. Then $V_\kappa\vDash\phi$ if and only if $M\vDash(V_\lambda\vDash\phi)$ if and only if $V_\lambda\vDash\phi$. Setting $\lambda$ is correct, we have $V_\lambda$ reflects $\phi$.
A similar argument works for $L_\kappa$, and for $H_\kappa$ (Or more simply, as $\kappa$ is superhuge and so inaccessible, $H_\kappa=V_\kappa$). Moreover, the set of such cardinals form a normal measure beneath $\kappa$. Let $D=\{X\subseteq\kappa|\kappa\in j(X)\}$. Then $M\vDash(j(\kappa)\text{ is reflecting})$, and so $U\in D$, where $U=\{\lambda<\kappa|\lambda\text{ is reflecting}\}$.
Reference: (Julius B. Barbanel, Carlos A. Diprisco and It Beng Tan: Many-Times Huge and Superhuge Cardinals, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 49, No. 1 (Mar., 1984), pp. 112-122.
- Julius B. Barbanel, Carlos A. Diprisco and It Beng Tan: Many-Times Huge and Superhuge Cardinals, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 49, No. 1 (Mar., 1984), pp. 112-122.