Your question is too general because you don't specify $g(z)$ and $C$. Something can be done for more concrete cases e.g. $g(z):=z^n,\, n \in \mathbb{N}, C:=\{z:|z|=2\}$ with Maple 2019.1:
int(I*eval(exp(1/z) * exp(2/(z - 1)), z = 2*exp(t*I))*2*exp(t*I), t = 0 .. 2*Pi,numeric);
${ 3.828525440\times 10^{-15}}+ 40.84070450\,i $$ { 1.788426568\times 10^{-14}}+ 18.84955592\,i$
$13\,i\pi $$6\,i\pi $
I think the same can be done with Mathematica.
Addition. Making use of the residue at infinity and Maple, one obtains a simple symbolic result
residue(exp(1/z)*exp(2/(z - 1)), z = infinity + infinity*I)
$-3\pi i$
Therefore, the above integral equals $6\pi i$. Under some conditions on $g(z)$ this should work in the general case too.