I'm not any kind of expert on this stuff and I'm not sure what the current state of this conjecture is, but Kawamata has conjectures in this paper and this paper regarding when two birational varieties have equivalent derived categories. He also discusses flops in the first paper.
He has partial results, including: if $X$ is general type and $\mathcal{D}^b(X) \cong \mathcal{D}^b(Y)$ as triangulated categories then $X$ and $Y$ are K-equivalent. This generalizes the famous theorem of Bondal-Orlov that the bounded derived category of a Fano variety determines the variety. IIRC, in the proof of his theorem he takes the kernel of the Fourier-Mukai transform that gives the equivalence, shows that the support of the kernel (meaning the union of the supports of the cohomology sheaves of the kernel) has a component $Z$ dominating both varieties and uses $Z$ for the "roof" of the K-equivalence. The assumption that $X$ is general type is used to show that the projections from $Z$ are birational.