- If $w\in \partial \Sigma_x\backslash \partial^1\Sigma_x$, then $D\exp_x\vert_w$ is singular. [Gallot-Lafontaine, Scholium 3.78 or Petersen, Lemma 5.78 ]
- $\exp_x(\partial^1\Sigma_x) \subset \exp_x(\partial \Sigma_x)$ is dense [Sakai, Remark 4.9], see also [Klingenberg, Theorem 2.1.12 & 14] as well as here.
Proof. On (the open set) $\exp_x(\mathrm{int}\Sigma_x)$ we have $d(x,y) = \vert \exp_x^{-1}(y)\vert^2$$d(x,y)^2 = \vert \exp_x^{-1}(y)\vert^2$ which is clearly a smooth function in $y$. For the converse assume that $d(x,\cdot)^2$ is smooth on some open set $U\subset M$ and note that it suffices to prove $$U \cap \exp_x(\partial \Sigma_x) = \emptyset \tag{1}.$$ Without loss of generality we may assume that $x\notin U$, then also $d(x,\cdot)$ is smooth in $U$ and has a gradient $G\in C^\infty(U;TM)$. Let $\gamma:[0,l]\rightarrow M$ be a length minimising unit-speed geodesic with $\gamma(0)=x$ and $y=\gamma(l)\in U$. Then $d(x,\gamma(t))=t$ and differentiation yields $$\langle G_y, \dot \gamma(l)\rangle = 1. \tag{*} $$ Since $d(x,\cdot)$ is Lipschitz with constant $\le 1$ (triangle inequality) we have $\vert G_y \vert \le 1$. Further $\vert \dot \gamma(l) \vert =1$ and in light of (*) this is only possible if $ G_y = \dot \gamma(l). $ We conclude: $$\text{Length minimising geodesics which start in $x$ don't intersect in $U$.} \tag{2}$$ Now we can prove (1). Assume to the contrary that $U \cap \exp_x(\partial \Sigma_x) \neq \emptyset$. Then by densitity of $\exp_x(\partial^1 \Sigma_x)$ we also have $U \cap \exp_x(\partial^1 \Sigma_x) \neq \emptyset$ and there are $w,w'\in \partial \Sigma_x$ with $w\neq w'$ and $\exp_x(w) = \exp_x(w')\in U$, which is in contradiction to (2).