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Post Made Community Wiki by S. Carnahan
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Wadim Zudilin
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Hmmm, I am upset to be not not in time for the question (a short night sleep was necessary!).

Let me comment on a quite opposite to the question

Are there examples of numbers that, while their status was unknown, were "assumed" to be irrational, but eventually shown to be rational?

There is one famous constant, the One-Ninth Constant, which for a very long time was expected to be a rational number, namely, $1/9$. It was only in the 1980s when A. Gonchar and E. Rakhmanov found an explicit formula for it through the elliptic integrals and Nesterenko's 1996 theorem on the algebraic independence of modular functions resulted in the transcendence of this constant. There is a nice chapter on this constant in Steven Finch's Mathematical Constants, Cambridge University Press 2003 (§4.5, pp. 259--262), although the transcendence is not mentioned there.