Bonnesen and Fenchel’s Rosenthal, A.; Szász, O.Theorie der konvexen Körper, Eine Extremaleigenschaft der Kurven konstanter Breite, Deutsche Math.-Ver. 25(1934, 278-282 (1916(6) p. 77). ZBL46.1119.03.
The(translation) gives the generalization to a convex bodies in $\mathbf R^n$ reads $$\dfrac S{\omega_n}\leqslant\left(\dfrac D2\right)^{n-1}$$ where $D=$ diameter, $S=$ measure of boundary,body $\omega_n=$ measure of the$K\subset\mathbf R^n$ as $$ \mathrm{vol}(\partial K)\leqslant \omega_n\left(\dfrac{\mathrm{diameter}(K)}2\right)^{n-1} $$ where $(n-1)$-sphere$\omega_n=\mathrm{vol}(S^{n-1})=2\pi^{n/2}\,/\,\Gamma(\frac n2)$. They seem to attribute it $= \smash[b]{\dfrac{2\pi^{n/2}}{\Gamma(\frac n2)}}$: see(p. 107) to Kubota (61925) in §44 of
Bonnesen, T.; Fenchel, W., with the planar case Theorie der konvexen Körper, Ergebnisse d. Math. 3, Nr. 1, VII + 164 p$n=2$ already in Blaschke (19341915). ZBL60.0673.01.
Bonnesen, T.; Fenchel, W., Theory of convex bodies, Providence, RI: AMS Chelsea Publishing. 164 S. and Rosenthal-Szász (19711916). ZBL0906.52001.