as long as the power of two dividing the discriminant is not too large, you will get the genus correctly split into spinor genera with my Magma program. I guess I will put samples first. Note that it correctly says the genus of $x^2 + 24 y^2 + 576 z^2$ has four classes, but it prints out four spinor genera with repeat of the one spinor genus, which is nonsense.
The actual genus has two spinor genera,
55296 : 1 24 576 0 0 0
55296 : 24 25 25 14 0 0
55296 : 4 24 145 0 4 0
55296 : 9 24 64 0 0 0
The trouble first came to my attention about 1996 when Manjul Bhargava was corresponding with Irving Kaplansky, Manjul asked Magma to find all forms alone in a genus, and it gave the wrong answer for $x^2 + 8 y^2 + 64 z^2 \; . \;$ I put a good deal of relevant material at TERNARY