Definition 1. An affine space morphism is a smoothseparated, faithfully flatsmooth morphism whose geometric fibers are affine spaces.
Kollár's Flatness Criteria for normal target. Question 12 has a positive answer by Kollár's Flatness Criteria.
MR1339664 (96j:14010)
Kollár, János
Flatness criteria.
J. Algebra 175 (1995), no. 2, 715–727.
Proposition 13. Every separated, finitely presented morphism whose geometric fibers are affine spaces of constant dimension $n$, whose domain is a finitely presented, integral $k$-scheme, and whose target is a finitely presented, integral, normal $k$-scheme is an affine space morphism.
Proof. Such a morphism satisfies the hypotheses of Corollary 11 of Kollár's article. QED