The fixed point lemma is profound because it reveals a surprisingly deep capacity in mathematics for self-reference: when a statement $A$ is equivalent to $F(A)$, it effectively asserts "$F$ holds of me". How shocking it is to find that self-reference, the stuff of paradox andparadox and nonsense, is fundamentally embedded in our beautiful numberbeautiful number theory! The fixed point lemma shows that every elementaryevery elementary property $F$ admits a statement of arithmetic assertingarithmetic asserting "this statement has property $F$".
We want to find a statement $A$ that is equivalent to $F(A)$. Thus, $A$ has the property that it absorbs applicationsIf we could expect a strong version of $F$this, sincethen we would seek an $A$ that is equivalent to $F(A)$.
In particular, $A$ is also equivalentand to $F(F(A))$, and we could continue, arriving at one solution attemptso on, taking $A$ asexpanding from the inside. Such a infinitaryprocess leads naturally to the infinitary expression $F(F(F(\cdots)))$. This works in
- $F(F(F(\cdots)))$
Furthermore, this infinitary expression is itself a fixed naivepoint, in a naive formal way, since addingif $A$ is that expression, then applying one more $F$ doesn't changeresults in an the form of the statement, which makes $A$ formallyexpression with the same as $F(A)$ same form, exactly as desired. But of course itThis infinitary doesn'texpression doesn't count as a solution, of course, since it isn'twe seek a finite well formed finite-formed expression, but it suggests an approach.
WhatNamely, what we needwant to do instead is to capture in a single finite statementexpression the ideaself-expanding nature of that adding one more $F$ doesn't changeinfinitary $A$solution. The desired statement $A$ isshould be equivalent to the the assertion that $F$ holds when substituted at $A$ itself itself. IntroducingSo we introduce an auxiliary auxiliary variable $v$ to represent the possibilities, weand consider the assertion $H(v)$ that asserts that $v$ is as desired, namely, that $F$ holds of the statement $v$ codes, when substituted at $v$.
(This This last self-substitution part, about about substituting v$v$ at v$v$, is what allows one one substitutionsubstitution to self-expand into two, and then three and and so on on, capturing with just one substitutionin effect curling the self-expanding infinite tail of the infinitary fixed point effect mentioned aboveexpression around onto itself.)
Namely, if $n$ is the code of $H(v)$, then we perform the one substitutionsubstitution, obtaining the statement $H(n)$, which asserts exactly that $F$ holds of the statement $n$ codes when substituted at $n$. But since $n$ codes $H(v)$, this means that $H(n)$ asserts that $F(H(n))$, and we have the desired fixed point. We could have kept expanding to $F(F(H(n)))$, but we've already caught our tail.
So that's it. But letAllow me to mention somea few other things. First, it is interesting interesting to consider whether all fixed points of $F$ are equivalent equivalent to each other. This is true after all when when $F$ is is tautological, for example, since any fixed point point will also also be logically valid. Similarly, Goedel's "I am am not provable" provable" statements are all equivalent to the assertion assertion thatthat the theory is consistent, and this is how one one can prove prove the Second incompleteness theorem. But are fixed fixed pointspoints for a given $F$ always equivalent? The answer is is no. Fix Fix any statements $A$ and $B$, and let $F(v)$ be the the statementstatement, "if $v=[A]$, then $A$, otherwise $B$". Note that that $F([A])$ is equivalent to $A$ and $F([B])$ is equivalent equivalent to $B$, so they are both fixed points.
Andreas raised the very interesting question in the comments below whether the fixed point $A$ has $F([A])$ also as a fixed point. This is what we might expect from the infinitary example above. The example of the previous paragraph shows, however, that not every fixed point has this feature, since in that example, $A$ is equivalent to $F([A])$, but $F([F([A])])$ is equivalent to $B$. But in this example, other fixed points do have the feature. I am unsure in general about whether there must always be a fixed point $A$ such that $F([A])$ is also a fixed point.