In Chapter 4.9 of the book "Measures of Noncompactness and Condensing Operators" "Measures of noncompactness and condensing operators" (Vol. 55 of Operator Theory*Operator theory: Advancesadvances and Applicationsapplications), the authors mention the property "compactness in measure". They say
Here compactness in measure means compactness in the normed space $S$ of all measurable, almost everywhere finite functions $x$, equipped with the norm
$$||x|| = \inf_{s>0} \{s + \text{mes} \{t \, : \, |x(t)| \geq s\}\}$$$$\|x\| = \inf_{s>0} \big\{s + \text{mes} \{t \, : \, |x(t)| \geq s\}\big\}$$
Where "$\text{mes} \, D$$\operatorname{mes} D$" means the measure of the set $D$.
My questions are: Does this property go by any other names? And are there good sources in English which mention it?
The only sources I can find which use it are papers by N. A. Erzakova, not all of which have been translated into English, and possibly a paper in Russian by P. P. Zabreiko.