Hi! LetLet T be a two dimensional-dimensional torus and Y be the one point compactification of a two dimensional sphere ($S^2$) minus three points. I have to prove:
1)they have the same fundamental group
2)they are homotopically equivalent
This is what i thought: i can see Y this way, let A,B,C three distinct points on the sphere and P a point not on the sphere, Y is homotopically equivalent to $S^2\cup\overline{AP}\cup\overline{BP}\cup\overline{CP}$. My hope for showing that they have the same fundamnetal group was to use van kampen theorem with open sets one $U$ homeomorphic to an open disk and the other one $V$ homotopically equivalent to a bouquet of 2 circles and $U\cap V$ homotopically equivalent to a circle. Now i would like to show that the generator of $\pi_1(U\cap V)$ is sent by inclusion map to the commutator of the generators of $\pi_1(V)$ but i can't see how.
For the homotopy equivalence i can't see the homotopy between these two spaces.
Please can anyone help?
Thank you in advance.