Theorem 1. Let $G$ be a non-trivial group satisfying both chain conditions on normal subgroups, and with no non-trivial abelian direct factors. Then $G$ is a $\mathcal{D}$-group if and only if $G$ admits a unique Krull-Schmidt decomposition, up to the order of the factors.
The reverse direction did not use the assumption of no abelian direct factors.
Theorem 2. Let $G$ be a non-trivial group satisfying both chain conditions on normal subgroups. Write $G= (A_1\times\cdots\times A_k)\times (G_1\times \cdots \times G_n)$, and $A=A_1\times\cdots \times A_k$, where the $A_i$ are indecomposable abelian groups and the $G_i$ are indecomposable non-abelian groups. If $G$ is a $\mathcal{D}$-group then the following three conditions hold:
(1) The Sylow subgroups of $A$ are either cyclic or elementary abelian. Equivalently, for all $i\neq j$, any non-trivial element of $\text{Hom}(A_i,A_j)$ is an injection.
(2) The Krull-Schmidt decomposition of $G_1\times\cdots\times G_n$ is unique, up to the order of the factors. Equivalently, for all $i\neq j$, $\text{Hom}(G_i,Z(G_j))$ is trivial.
(3) For all $i,j$, any non-trivial element of $\text{Hom}(A_i,Z(G_j))$ is an injection. Given the previous two conditions, this is equivalent to saying that if the Sylow $p$-subgroup of $A$ is not elementary abelian, then the Sylow $p$-subgroup of $Z(G_j)$ is trivial for all $j$.
proof: The proof proceeds essentially as in proof of the forward direction for the previous proof.
We write $G=H_1\times\cdots \times H_m$, where we permit one or more factors to be abelian. For any $i\neq j$ we consider $z\in\text{Hom}(H_i,Z(H_j))$, and effectively coversdefine $\phi\in\text{Aut}_c(G)$ by $\phi(g)=g$ for all examples in the OP$g\in H_k\neq H_i$ and Keith's answer$\phi(g)=g z(g)$ for all $g\in H_i$. We consider $H_i\cap \phi(H_i)=\ker(z)$, and I'm fairly sure we can readily handle their presence inwhich is the forward directionintersection of two direct factors of $G$. You can rule out
If $G$ is a lot$\mathcal{D}$-group, then $\ker(z)$ is a normal subgroup of cases by observing when we can exhibitthe indecomposable group $H_i$ which is also a direct factor of $G$. Therefore either $\ker(z)=H_i$ or $\ker(z)=1$. In particular, for all $i\neq j$ any non-trivial element of $z$ with$\text{Hom}(H_i,Z(H_j))$ must be an injection. If such an injection exists, then $\ker(z)\neq 1$$H_i$ must be abelian. Also note how As every quotient of a finite abelian group $X$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $X$, and vice versa, the exact idea forthree conditions then follow. $\square$.
I'm fairly confident the forward directionconverse also yieldsholds, thereby giving the OP's examplefull classification of $\mathbb{Z}_4\times \mathbb{Z}_2$ by using the non$\mathcal{D}$-trivialgroups with both chain conditions, and so in particular all finite $z\in\text{Hom}(\mathbb{Z}_4,\mathbb{Z}_2)$$\mathcal{D}$-groups. But I've not yet worked out the detailsI'm still working on this case, otherwisethat.