Below I'm working in ZF+DC+AD or similar; I want enough choice that things don't explode, but I also want the Wadge hierarchy to be well-behaved everywhere. Since this question is a bit long, I've put the actual question in red.
EDIT in response to a comment by მამუკა ჯიბლაძე: the only reason I'm focusing on Baire space is that it has a descriptive set theory that we understand well with many nice properties (and nothing would change if we replaced it with another uncountable Polish space). So describing things in terms of how complicated they are to "represent" via Baire space seems non-entirely-silly.The following is a more focused version of the original question; see the edit history if interested. In the original version of the question, five other variants of the "simplicity" property below were discussed; I'm focusing on the strongest one I know essentially nothing about, previously called "$\mathsf{BCP_0^{+,uni}}$."
I'm broadly interested in using Baire space to give a presentation of a given space - or rather, of the algebra of open sets of such a space:
(I'm really just thinking about structures with operations of infinite arity, but I'm focusing on algebras of open sets of spaces for now, partly for concreteness and partly because they're what I'm most interested in at the moment.)
Definition: A partial map $\rho:$ $\subseteq\omega^\omega\rightarrow\tau$ is a generator of a topological space $(X,\tau)$ (or rather, just of $\tau$) if its range is a base for $\tau$.
For the rest of this question, by "space" I mean "$T_0$ space which has a generator," and by "base" I mean "base which is the image of some generator." (In the presence of choice I'd say "base of size at most $\mathfrak{c}$," but this phrasing is less ambiguous here.)
Having fixed a generator, the restways of gauging the structurelogical complexity of $\tau$structures with infinite-arity operations. A good first step is determined by someto understand not-too-large topological spaces (infinitary) relationsor rather, namely the covering relations: statements of the form $$\bigcup_{f\in A\cap dom(\rho)}\rho(f)\supseteq\rho(g)$$ or their negations. (If the statement above holds, say "$A$ covers $g$.") I'm thinking of facts of this type as forming the "atomic diagram" of the presentation of $\tau$ given by $\rho$, or some significant fragment thereof.
It's now reasonable to ask how simple this bundle of data can be, or can be made to be. The problem is on the $A$ side. Since arbitraryupper-complexity index sets are allowed, the amount of possible complexity here seems to be "all of it;" I'm interested in when things don't stink quite so badly.
My overall interest is in understanding when some "bounded complexity" amount of information about a topology, phrased in the language of a generator, gives me a complete picturecomplete lattices of the topologyopen sets). Specifically, and using terms defined below:
Is there a non-BCP$_0^{+,uni}$ space, at all?
Is there a BCP$_0^{-,uni}$ space such that there is no generator $\rho$ with $\{f: x\in\rho(f)\}$ open in $dom(\rho)$?
Here's what allsay that an (and a bit more) means. Since we're thinking about sets of reals here, the right first stab atgenerator for a complexity notion seems to be Wadge reducibility. Conveniently, every Wadge degree (other than the top degreespace $\mathcal{P}(\omega^\omega)$) has size at most continuum, and clearly every family of sets of size at most continuum$\mathcal{X}=(X,\tau)$ is contained in a Wadge degree strictly belowmap $\mathcal{P}(\omega^\omega)$, so we can phrase things just in terms of cardinality which$\rho:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\tau$ whose range is a bit easierbase for $\mathcal{X}$. A couple weak notions of whenFixing a space has a bounded complexity presentation appear particularly natural here, specifically with respect to how hard it is to determine "atomic" facts about covering or non-covering; the below includes a couple not relevant to the specific question above,but I think they help flesh out the picture:
A space is BCP$_0^+$ if for some generator $\rho$ there is a family $\mathfrak{S}\subseteq\mathcal{P}(\omega^\omega)$ of size at most continuum such that whenever $A$ covers $g$ there is some $B\subseteq A$ with $B\in\mathfrak{S}$ which also covers $g$.
A space is BCP$_0^-$ if for some generator $\rho$ there is a family $\mathfrak{S}\subseteq\mathcal{P}(\omega^\omega)$ of size at most continuum such that whenever $A$ does not cover $g$ there is some $B\supseteq A$ with $B\in\mathfrak{S}$ which also doesn't cover $g$.
A space is BCP$_0^{+,uni}$ (respectively, BCP$_0^{-,uni}$) if it is uniformly BCP$_0^+$ (resp. BCP$_0^-$); that is, if there is a specific function $A\mapsto B$ witnessing the relevant property when we take $\mathfrak{S}$ to be the range of this function. (Since we're not assuming choice, this isn't a trivial addition.)
Finally, there is an asymmetry between $+$ and $-$ here, regarding topological equivalence. Given a generator $\rho$, let $A_{ext(\rho)}=\{f:\exists h\in A(\rho(f)=\rho(h))\}$ be the "extensional closure"entire structure of $A\subseteq\omega^\omega$. Then if $A$ fails to cover $g$, so will $A_{ext(\rho)}$, and clearly $A_{ext(\rho)}\supseteq A$; thus, "extensionality is free" as far as BCP$_0^-$ is concerned. However, this$\tau$ is a serious issue for BCP$_0^+$: since we want to wind up with a subcover as opposed to a supernoncover, we can't freely pass from $A$ todetermined by the "basic covering facts" about $A_{ext(\rho)}$$\rho$, and so the problem of finding a simple subcover of $g$ could be much harder for $A$ than for $A_{ext(\rho)}$. This seems somewhat artificial;analogously to get around this,group presentations it may be more natural to consider the following:
- A space is BCP$_0^{+/ext}$ (respectively, BCP$_0^{+/ext,uni}$) if it has a generator $\rho$ witnessing BCP$_0^+$ (resp., BCP$_0^{+,uni}$) restricted to sets satisfying $A=A_{ext(\rho)}$.
Of course, we could apply the same restriction to the "$-$-notions," but as noted above this wouldn't change anything. Meanwhile, I'm keeping the non-extensional notions in mind since it's not actually clear to me that the "noise" we throw away by restricting attention to extensionally-closed covers is actually uninteresting.
The broad question I'm tryingseems reasonable to answer here is, which spaces have these various properties? On reflection I think this is far too broad, hence the more specific focus above.
Let me end by mentioningask when a couplerelatively small number of those facts motivating said specific focusare sufficient:
First of all, it's easy to see that any second-countable space is BCP$_0^+$, and that any space with a base of compact sets is BCP$^+_0$. However, to get BCP$_0^+$ the latter doesn't obviously suffice, and we need instead a well-orderable base of compact sets. It's also, interestingly, not clear to me that if one generator witnesses BCP$_0^+$ then every generator witnesses BCP$_0^+$. By contrast, BCP$_0^-$ is generator-invariant (as is BCP$_0^{-,uni}$): if $\rho$ witnesses BCP$_0^-$, $\rho'$ is another generator, and $A$ covers $g$ in the sense of $\rho$, then $t(A):=\{f: \rho'(f)\subseteq \bigcup_{g\in A}\rho(g)\}$ also, and the map $t$ being nicely definable we also get that $\rho'$ witnesses BCP$_0^{-,uni}$ if $\rho$ does.
Call a space quick iff there is some generator $\rho$ for the space and some map $F: \mathcal{P}(\mathbb{R})\times\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{R})$ such that:
- If $\rho(f)\subseteq\bigcup_{g\in A}\rho(g)$, then $F(A,f)\subseteq A$ and $\rho(f)\subseteq\bigcup_{g\in F(A,f)}\rho(g)$.
- There is a surjection $\mathbb{R}\rightarrow ran(F)$.
BCP$_0^-$ aloneWhile at first glance this seems like a very weakstrong property: it is implied by the existence of a base $\rho$ such that $\{\{f: x\in\rho(f)\}: x\in X\}$ has bounded Wadge degree (more simply: has cardinality at most continuum), and is equivalent to that under the further assumption of $T_1$. (But $T_1$-ness is necessary for this equivalence: consider the topology on $\mathcal{P}(\omega^\omega)$ generated by $\{\{S\subseteq\omega^\omega\}:x\in\omega^\omega\}$.)
The interesting example is BCP$_0^{-,uni}$me, I actually know almost nothing about it. Say that a generatorMy question is open-pointed if for each point $x$ the set $\{f\in dom(\rho): x\in\rho(f)\}$whether it is open in $dom(\rho)$. Then any s pace with an open-pointed generator has BCP$_0^{-,uni}$: $A$ covers $g$ ifffact trivial (WLOG assuming $A\subseteq dom(\rho)$) $cl(A)\cap dom(\rho)$ covers $g$. To prove this we just need to show that any $f\in cl(A)\cap dom(\rho)\setminus A$ "adds no new points,"after making things "canonical and this follows immediately from open-pointedness propertytame"): if $x\in\rho(f)$, then $x\in\rho(g)$ for some $g\in A$ since $f$ is in the closure of $A$. Note that we can't obviously replace "open" with "Borel." So BCP$_0^{-,uni}$ actually looks at the
Assume $\mathsf{ZF+AD+V=L(\mathbb{R})}$. Is there a space which has a generator but is not quick?
So the situation we're left with is that BCP$_0^+$ is odd enough that I really have no idea what it looks like in any nontrivial sense, and BCP$_0^{-,uni}$ actually has something apparently interesting going on but it seems unlikely to givewould especially love a full characterization$T_1$ example.