It is very important that you tell these two puzzles in the correct order, i.e., first the first puzzle and then the second one. The first puzzle is very easy but messes with people's minds in just the right way. In my experience some mathematicians are driven crazy by the second puzzle.
Puzzle 1: Grandma made a cake whose base was a square of size 30 by 30 cm and the height was 10 cm. She wanted to divide the cake fairly among her 9 grandchildren. How should she cut the cake?
Puzzle 2: Grandma made a cake whose base was a square of size 30 by 30 cm and the height was 10 cm. She put chocolate icing on top of the cake and on the sides, but not on the bottom. She wanted to divide the cake fairly among her 9 grandchildren so that each child would get an equal amount of the cake and the icing. How should she cut the cake?