I recently ran into a 30+ years old literature by AndersonAndersen and Jantzen on some calculations on cohomology of flag varieties (Cohomology of Induced Representations for Algebraic Groups). Here is the setting:
$G$ complex simple Lie group, $B = HN$ a Borel subgroup corresponding to the positive roots of $\mathfrak{g}$, and $\mathfrak{n} = Lie(N)$. Theorem 3.6(a) of [Anderson[Andersen-Jantzen] saysays that for all $i > 0$ and $n \geq 0$,
$$H^i(G/B, S^n(\mathfrak{n}^*)) = 0$$$$H^i(G/B, S^n(\mathfrak{n}^*)) = 0.$$
I tried an example for $G = SL(3)$ and $n = 2$, where $\alpha_1 = (1,-1,0)$ and $\alpha_2 = (0,1,-1)$, $\alpha_1 + \alpha_2 = (1,0,-1)$ are the positive roots in $\mathfrak{h}^*$. The weights of $S^2(\mathfrak{n}^*)$ are given by $$S^2(\mathfrak{n}^*) = \mathbb{C}_{(-2,2,0)} \oplus \mathbb{C}_{(0,-2,2)} \oplus \mathbb{C}_{(-2,0,2)} \oplus \mathbb{C}_{(-1,0,1)} \oplus \mathbb{C}_{(-2,1,1)} \oplus \mathbb{C}_{(-1,-1,2)}.$$
Then I tried to apply Bott-Borel-Weil: $$H^i(G/B, \mathbb{C}_{\lambda}^*) = \begin{cases} V_{\mu}^* &\text{if }w(\lambda + \rho) = \mu + \rho\ \text{for some}\ w \in W\ \text{with}\ l(w) = i \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$$$H^i(G/B, \mathbb{C}_{\lambda}^*) = \begin{cases} V_{\mu}^* &\text{if }w(\lambda + \rho) = \mu + \rho\ \text{for some}\ w \in W\ \text{with}\ l(w) = i, \\ 0 & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} $$ Here $\mu$ must be a dominant weight of $G$.
For instance, if $\mathbb{C}_{(-2,2,0)} = \mathbb{C}_{(2,-2,0)}^*$, then $$(2,-2,0)+\rho = (2,-2,0) + (1,0,-1) = (3,-2,-1).$$
Let $w \in W$ be the transposition of the last two entries with $l(w) = 1$, then $w((2,-2,0)+\rho) = (3,-1,-2) = (2,-1,-1) + \rho$.
Does it imply that $H^1(G/B,S^2(\mathfrak{n}^*))$ contains a copy of $V_{(2,-1,-1)}^* = V_{(1,1,-2)}$, which is non-trivial? Any insight would be appreciated.