Let algebras be finite dimensional over a field $K$ and let $J$ denote the Jacobson radical (this is the intersection of all maximal right ideals) of an algebra. Being hereditary means that the algebra has global dimension at most 1.
For the class of algebras $A$ with $Ext_A^1(J,J) \neq 0$, can we explicitly write down a non-split short exact sequence $0 \rightarrow J \rightarrow W \rightarrow J \rightarrow 0$ with a pretty $W$?
A less mathematical question would be:
What is the meaning of $Ext_A^1(J,J)$?
Using findstat, a very beautiful "result" (proof in work) was found: The Nakayama agebras with a linear quiver are in bijection with 321-avoiding permutations and so to every such permutation $\pi$ we can associate a Nakayama algebra $A=A_{\pi}$ with a linear quiver. Now it seems that $Ext_{A_{\pi}}^1(J,J) \cong K^{r_{\pi}}$ when $r_{\pi}$ is the cardinality of the complement of the connectivity set of the permutation as in https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/0509271.pdf.