In other words, the $o_{ij}$ define states, from the physics point of view. Really, this defines a basis where our operators are diagonal. We can get states--and do!--thatget states that do not have observables which can be simultaneously diagonalized, this happens in things like neutrino oscillation, and is why they can turn into different types of particle typesneutrinos! The emitted neutrinos are emitted in states with eigenvalues which are not diagonal in the operator that's equivalent to the 'particle species' operator. Note (Note, we could just as well define the 'species' to be what's emitted, and then neutrinos would not oscillate in this basis, but would in others!)
This has to do with representations, because when we talk about particles with spin, for example, we're talking about operators which correspond to 'angular momentum' wemomentum.' We have an operator:
$L_z = i \frac{\partial}{\partial\phi}$ and label eigenvalues by half-integer states which physically correspond to spin. Group theoretically, $L_z$ is in the lie algebra of the rotation group, because we're talking about angular momentum (or spin) which has associated rotational symmetries.
and label eigenvalues by half-integer states which physically correspond to spin. Group theoretically, $L_z$ comes from the lie algebra of the rotation group, because we're talking about angular momentum (or spin) which has associated rotational symmetries.
Upgrading from here to quantum field theory (and specializing that to the standard model) is technically complicated, but is basically the same as what's going on here. The big difference is, we want to talk there about 'quantum fields' instead of states, and have to worry about crazy things like apparently infinite values and infinite dimensional integrals, that confuse the moral of the story.
If you want a more mathematically careful description, that's still got some physical intuition in it, you can check out Gockler and Schuker's "Differential Geometry, Gauge theory, and Gravity," which does things from the bundle point of view, which is slightly different than I described (because it describes classical field theories) but the moral is similar. At first it might seems surprising that the classical structure here is the same, when it seemed to rely on operators and states in Hilbert spaces, but it only technically relied on it, but morally, what's important is actions under symmetry groups. And that is in the classical theory as well. But it's not as physically clear from the beginning from that point of view.