Your formula is true.
The Weitzenböck formula states that the Hodge Laplacian on $k$-formaforms satisfies $$ \Delta\omega=(d\delta+\delta d)\omega=\nabla^*\nabla\omega +\operatorname{Ric}(\omega), $$ where $\nabla^*\nabla$ is the Bochner Laplacian. For a proof, see Theorem 9.4.1 in:
P. Petersen, Riemannian geometry. Third edition. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 171. Springer, Cham, 2016.
Finally, the Bochner Laplacian in a suitable local coordinates can be represented as $$ \nabla^*\nabla=-\sum_{k,j} \big\{\ g^{kj}\nabla_k\nabla_j+\frac{1}{\sqrt{|g|}}\partial_{x^k}\big(\sqrt{|g|}g^{kj}\big)\cdot\nabla_j\ \big\}. $$ This is proved in Example 10.1.32 in
L. I. Nicolaescu, Lectures on Geometry of ManidolfdsManifolds.
Beautiful Nicolaescu's lectures are freely available on his homepagefreely available on his homepage.