Your question is dealt with (in a slightly more general setting) in section 11 of Daniel Schäppi's paper, Tannaka duality for comonoids in cosmoiTannaka duality for comonoids in cosmoi. Specializing to your setting, he shows that there is a biadjunction (a weak 2-categorical form of adjunction) between the 2-category of $k$-linear categories equipped with a functor to $\operatorname{FinVect}$, where morphisms are triangles commuting up to specified natural isomorphism, and the usual category of coalgebras (thought of as a 2-category with only identity 2-morphisms). I believe this biadjunction should restrict to a biequivalence on the sub-2-category of Tannakian categories (as you have defined them).
This biadjunction is useful because there is a nice tensor product on the 2-category of $k$-linear categories that turns this biadjunction into a monoidal biadjunction, which gives us a way of relating things like bialgebras and tensor categories.