Restricting to the case where $P$ is triangular, if the angles of the triangle are $A$, $B$, $C$ and you fold the triangle along the bisector to the angle $C$, then assuming wlog that $A<B$, you obtain an overlapping area whose ratio to that of the full triangle is:
$$r(A,B)=\frac{\sin A}{\sin A + \sin B}$$
Choosing to fold along the bisector of the angle represents a local maximum for the overlapping area, among all choices of folding lines that pass through the same vertex.
You can then choose which vertex to bisect, of the three, as the one that yields the largest value of $r(A,B)$:
A lower bound for $r_{max}$ occurs when two of the vertex choices give the same result, and this lower bound gets smaller in the limit that the two angles $A, B$ are both small. Set $B = f A$ and express the equality of two solutions with the function:
$$P(f,A) = r(A, f A)-r(f A, \pi-A-f A)\\ = \frac{\sin A}{\sin A + \sin (f A)} - \frac{\sin (f A)}{\sin (f A) + \sin (\pi-A-f A)}$$
To first order in $A$, this becomes:
$$P(f,A) \approx \frac{1}{1+f} - \frac{f}{1+2f}$$
This becomes zero (i.e. the two ratios for the different choice of vertex match) when:
$$f = \Phi= \frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$$
So $B/A$ is equal to the golden ratio. Inserting this value for $f$ back into either area ratio gives a lower bound of:
$$r_{min}=\frac{1}{1+\Phi}\approx 0.381966$$
Edited to add:
A slight improvement can be achieved by allowing the additional possibility of folding along the perpendicular bisector to any of the sides. If the two angles at the endpoints of the side whose bisector is used are $A$ and $B$ and $A \lt B$, then the area ratio is:
$$r_{p}(A,B)=\frac{1}{4} (1 + \tan A \cot B)$$
An approach that included only these perpendicular bisectors would do terribly, but adding three more possibilities due to $r_p$ to the original three used to calculate $r_{max}$ yields a slight improvement.
In this case, the lower bound is found by setting:
$$P(f,A) = r_p(A, f A)-r(f A, \pi-A-f A)\\ = \frac{1}{4} (1 + \tan A \cot f A) - \frac{\sin (f A)}{\sin (f A) + \sin (\pi-A-f A)}$$
To first order in $A$, this becomes:
$$P(f,A) \approx \frac{1+f}{4 f} - \frac{f}{1+2f}$$
This is zero when:
$$f = \frac{3+\sqrt{17}}{4} \approx 1.78078$$
and the ratios here are:
$$r_{min} = \frac{\sqrt{17}-1}{8} \approx 0.390388$$