Edit. Here are details on step 3. Let $({\approx})$ be the equivalance relation given by the proposed characterization. Let $({\sim})$ be an equivalence relation on $\mathrm{List}(R \times X)$ which satisfies clauses (i), (ii) and (iii). We verify $v \approx w \Rightarrow v \sim w$ by induction on the combined length of $v$ and $w$. The base case ($v = w = [] = \text{empty list}$) is immediate.
Now let lists $v$ and $w$ be given such that $v \approx w$ and such that at least one of the lists, let's say $v$, has positive length. Write $v = [\langle a_1,x_1\rangle, \ldots, \langle a_n,x_n \rangle]$ and $w = [\langle b_1,y_1\rangle, \ldots, \langle b_m,x_m \rangle]$. The definition of $v \approx w$ (applied to $x = x_1$, $I = \{1\}$, $J = \emptyset$) yields index sets $I'$ and $J'$ such that $x_i = x_1$ for all $i \in I'$, $y_j = x_1$ for all $j \in J'$, $c := \sum_{i \in I'} a_i = \sum_{j \in J'} b_j$. Let $\hat v$ and $\hat w$ be obtained from $v$ and $w$ by removing all those entries whose index is an element of $I'$ respectively $J'$. We claim:
(a) $\hat v \approx \hat w$
(b) $v \sim w$
Claim (b) follows from claim (a): If $\hat v \approx \hat w$, then by induction also $\hat v \sim \hat w$. Then also $(\langle c,x_1\rangle :: \hat v) \sim (\langle c,x_1\rangle :: \hat w)$ (where $({::})$ is adding an element in front). Since $({\sim})$ satisfies (i), (ii) and (iii), $v \sim w$.
On to claim (a). Let $x \in X$. Let $\hat I$ and $\hat J$ be (detachable) sets of indices of entries of $\hat v$ respectively $\hat w$ such that the corresponding entries mention $x$. These index sets can also be seen as subsets of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ respectively $\{1,\ldots,m\}$, by slightly juggling the indices. Therefore the definition of $v \approx w$ yields index sets $I''$ and $J''$. It might be the case that $I''$ and $J''$ contain only indices which can be reinterpreted to be indices in $\hat v$ respectively $\hat w$. In this case we are done.
But it could also happen that $I''$ has nontrivial overlap with $I'$ or that $J''$ has nontrivial overlap with $J'$. In this case $I''$ and $J''$ are of no further use, but we learned that $x = x_1$. We now apply the definition of $v \approx w$ again, this time to $x_1$, $\hat I \cup I'$ and $\hat J \cup J'$ (where we first juggle the indices in $\hat I$ and $\hat J$ accordingly before taking the union). This gives us index sets $I'''$ and $J'''$. We have $\sum_{i \in I'''} a_i = \sum_{j \in J'''} b_j$. By cancellativity, also $\sum_{i \in I''''} a_i = \sum_{j \in J''''} b_j$ where $I'''' = I''' \setminus I'$ and $J'''' = J''' \setminus J'$. Hence we're done.