Let $ X, Y $ be smooth affine varieties over $ \mathbb C $. Let $ T : X \rightarrow Y $ be a dominant quasi-finite morphism and let $ T^\# : \mathbb C[Y] \rightarrow \mathbb C[X] $ be the resulting map on coordinate rings.
($ T $ being quasi-finite means that it can be factored as an open embedding followed by a finite morphism. It also means that $T^\# $ is injective and every element of $\mathbb C[X] $ is algebraic over $ \mathbb C[Y] $.)
Let $ D(X) $ denote the ring of differential operators on $ X $. Is the following statement is true?
Let $ d \in D(X) $. Suppose that $ d(T^\#(f)) = 0 $ for all $ f \in \mathbb C[Y] $. Then $ d = 0 $.