Here is a very naive approach: choose a basepoint in the manifold (call it $M$). Then evaluation at the basepoint gives a map
\text{Diff}(M) \to M
and so cohomology classes on $M$ pull back to ones on $\text{Diff}(M)$.
If for example, $M$ admits $M$ admits a nowhere zero vector field, then using the associated flow one can construct a section of the above map, so cohomology classes in $M$ inject into the cohomology of the diffeomorphism group. has the structure of a nowhere zero vector fieldLie group, then using the associated flow one can constructabove map has a section ofand the above map, so cohomology classes inof $M$$M%$ will inject into the cohomology of the diffeomorphism group via the section.
This would seem to do what your asking, right?
Let me remark that the general problem constructing non-trivial cohomology classes in the diffeomorphism group is almost 50 years old and has a lot to do with higher algebraic K-theory. The early work of Hatcher and Wagoner, Hsiang et. al., Waldhausen, Igusa, Goodwillie, Weiss and Williams are some of the names that deserve to be cited in this context.