Let $A > 0$ be a positive $n \times n$ matrix with eigenvalues $\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_n$, counted with multiplicity. Let $\rho = \max |\lambda_i|$ be the spectral radius. We want to prove that $\rho$ is a simple eigenvalue of $A$ with a positive eigenvector, and that every other eigenvalue is strictly smaller in absolute value.
Let $\lambda$ be an eigenvalue with $|\lambda| = \rho$, and finally let $\psi$ an eigenvector for $\lambda$. Consider $$\Psi := |\psi| = (|\psi_1|, \ldots, |\psi_n|).$$
Then $A \Psi = A |\psi| \ge |A \psi| = |\lambda \psi| = \rho |\psi| = \rho \Psi$, where "$x \ge y$" means that each coordinate of $x$ is greater than or equal to each coordinate of $y$.
Suppose $A \Psi \ne \rho \Psi$. Then by positivity we have $A^2 \Psi > \rho A \Psi$, which means that by continuity there is some $\varepsilon > 0$ with $A^2 \Psi \ge (\rho + \varepsilon) A \Psi$. Therefore \begin{align*}A^{n+1} \Psi &\ge (\rho + \varepsilon) A^n \Psi \\&\cdots\\&\ge (\rho + \varepsilon)^n A \Psi \ge 0\end{align*}
and taking norms we get $\Vert A^{n+1} \Psi \Vert_1 \ge (\rho + \varepsilon)^n \Vert A \Psi \Vert_1$, so the operator 1-norm of $A^n$ is at least $(\rho + \varepsilon)^n$, which is a contradiction with Gelfand's formula $\lim \Vert A^n \Vert^{1/n} = \rho$.
Therefore $A \Psi = \rho \Psi$ and $\rho$ is an eigenvalue with positive eigenvector $\rho \Psi = A \Psi > 0$.
Suppose there is an eigenvalue $\lambda$ with $|\lambda| = \rho$. Let $\psi$ be an eigenvector for $\lambda$. We have seen above that $A \Psi = \rho \Psi = |A \psi|$ or $\sum_j A_{ij} |\psi_j| = |\sum_{ij} A_{ij} \psi_j|$. Fix an index $i$. Then $A_{ij} > 0$ for each row $j$, so $\sum_{ij} A_{ij} \psi_j$ is a weighted sum of $\psi_j$ where all the weights are positive, and its absolute value is the weighted sum of $|\psi_j|$ with the same weights. Those two things can only be equal if all the summands $\psi_j$ all have the same complex argument, so $\psi = e^{i\theta} \psi'$ where $\psi' \ge 0$, and $\lambda \psi' = A \psi' > 0$, so $\lambda > 0$. Therefore $\lambda = \rho$.
Now we know that every eigenvalue with $|\lambda| = \rho$ is $\rho$, and it has one positive eigenvector (and possibly more), but we don't know how many times $\rho$ appears in the list of eigenvalues. That is, we don't know whether it's simple or not.
We can prove that $\rho$ has only one eigenvector by the same argument in Wielandt's proof. We know $\Psi$ is a positive eigenvector. Suppose that there is another linearly independent eigenvector $\psi$. We can pick $\psi$ to be real (because $\mathop{\rm Re} \psi$ and $\mathop{\rm Im} \psi$ are eigenvectors or zero and at least one is linearly independent of $\Psi$). Choose $c$ so $\Psi + c \psi$ is nonnegative and has one zero entry. Then $\rho (\Psi + c \psi) = A(\Psi + c \psi) > 0$ by positivity, but it has one zero entry, which is a contradiction. So there's no other linearly independent eigenvector.
Now that we know there's only one eigenvector, we can prove that $\rho$ is a simple eigenvalue. By the previous reasoning, there is a positive left eigenvector $\Pi$ of $\rho$, so $\Pi A = \rho A$. Then $\Pi > 0$ and $\Psi > 0$, so $\Pi \Psi \ne 0$. Then $\Pi^0 := \{x: \Pi x = 0\}$ is an $(n-1)$-dimensional subspace of $\mathbb R^n$ and $\Psi \notin \Pi^0$, so we can decompose $\mathbb R^n$ into the direct sum $$\mathbb R^n = \mathop{\text{span}}\{\Psi\} \oplus \Pi^0.$$
Both of these spaces are invariant under $A$, because $A \Psi = \rho \Psi$ and $\Pi A x = \rho \Pi x = 0$. Let $x_2, \ldots, x_n$ be a basis of $\Pi^0$. Let $$X = \begin{bmatrix}\Psi&x_2&x_3&\cdots&x_n\end{bmatrix}.$$
Then the invariance means that
$$X^{-1}AX = \begin{bmatrix}\rho&0\\0&Y\end{bmatrix}$$ where the top right $0$ says $\mathop{\text{span}}\{\Psi\}$$\Pi^0$ is invariant under $A$ and the lower left $0$ says $\Pi^0$$\mathop{\text{span}}\{\Psi\}$ is invariant under $A$. Here $Y$ is some unknown $(n-1) \times (n-1)$ matrix.
$A$ is similar to the above block matrix, so the eigenvalues of $A$ are $\rho$ followed by the eigenvalues of $Y$. If $\rho$ is not a simple eigenvalue, then it must be an eigenvalue of $Y$.
Suppose $\rho$ is an eigenvalue of $Y$. Let $\psi'$ be an eigenvector with $Y \psi' = \rho \psi'$. Then $A X {0 \choose \psi'} = \rho X {0 \choose \psi'}$ and $X{0 \choose \psi'}$ is linearly independent of $\Psi = X {1 \choose \mathbf{0}}$. We've already proved that $A$ has only one eigenvector for $\rho$, so that is impossible. Therefore, $\rho$ is not an eigenvalue of $Y$, so $\rho$ is a simple eigenvalue of $A$. That's the last thing we had to prove.
Extending to $A \ge 0$ with $A^n > 0$ works as usual.