Re:A later paper of Beauville (here, preprint from 2000) seems to address your first question, but more generally by taking direct images of vector bundles. He makes the following conjecture:
For semistability, you need a homomorphism from a line bundle U If f: X'-> X is a finite morphism of smooth projective curves and E is a certain degreegeneric vector bundle on X', then f_*E is stable if g(X) \geq 2 and is semistable if g(x) = 1.
The problem is actually equivalent to the pushdownthat of a pushing down a line bundle L, which is the same as having (from a section on Y of f ^ * U ^ * \otimes Ldifferent cover).
This can be expressed in terms of special spaces of divisorsIn the paper, and you can find details worked out explicitly for an example in rank 2he shows that the conjecture holds with some restrictions on L (i.e. a holomorphic double covering f: Y -> Xg. when \chi(X) in pages 103-105 of [NJH,87]is small), although obviously one wants it to hold more generally. He shows, as well, that the conjecture holds as worded above whenever f is an etale covering.
Does this help?