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Demaine et al. proved in this paper that Tetris is NP-hard.
More of a gimmick but: Based on that paper, IstvánSzita & Lörincz tried to teach a number of algorithms to play Tetris in this paper.
More of a gimmick but: Based on that paper, István & Lörincz tried to teach a number of algorithms to play Tetris in this paper.
More of a gimmick but: Based on that paper, Szita & Lörincz tried to teach a number of algorithms to play Tetris in this paper.
More of a gimmick but: Based on that paper, István & Lörincz tried to teach a number of algorithms to play tetrisTetris in this paper.
More of a gimmick but: Based on that paper, István & Lörincz tried to teach a number of algorithms to play tetris in this paper.