Let $M$ a compact manifold with surfaces $S_1,...,S_p$ as boundaries. Let us suppose that $M$ admits a complete hyperbolic structure. Then, from the ending lamination theorem, given either laminations or conformal structures (the end invariants) on $S_1...S_n$ one is able to find a unique complete hyperbolic structure on $M$ with ends $E_1,...E_N$ admitting exactly these end invariants.
My question is, are these invariants localized in the ends ?
More precisely, given $f$ a pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphism of the surface $S_1$ and its associated lamination when $f$ is iterated in positive time. Then, one can consider the hyperbolic structure given by the ending lamination theorem associated to this lamination for the surface $S_1$ and with whatever end invariants you want for the rest of the surfaces ($S_2...S_N$).
Does the resulting hyperbolic structure satisfies that the end associated to $S_1$ is asymptotically isometric to a $\mathbb{Z}$-cover of a hyperbolic compact 3-fold which fibers over the circle with fiber $S_1$ and monodromy $f$ ?
I know from McMullen's book (theorem 3.12)
that this is true for one degenerated end quasi-Fuchsian manifolds or, andmore obviously, for $\mathbb{Z}$-cover of compact manifold I wondered whether this result may be generalised.
Even though itA very first question is still no clear to me how to deal with the case whenwhat happens if we consider two pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms $(\Phi_1, \Phi_2)$ for which the end invariantslaminations given by iterating these in positive time are the samein transversal position. In fact, still looking intoSo that the casesequence of a quasi-fuchsian groups, it is suppose to give two different hyperbolic structures to the following pairs $(S_1,S_1)$ and $(f(S_1), f(S_1))$, which seems to contradictFuchsian manifolds given in Bers parametrisationcoordinates by $(\Phi_1^n, \Phi_2^n)$ converges by Thurston's theorem. I should be mistaking but
Can I can't understand why.say that the end $E_1$ (resp $E_2$) of the limit representation are asymptotically isometric to the $Z$-covering of the compact manifold which fibres over the circle of monodromy $\Phi_1$ (resp $\Phi_2)$ ?
Thank you for your reading.