Igor Pak's answer suggests that conjugate polyhedra in the sense of the question should be different realizations of the same abstract polyhedron (defined by a face lattice); so in this answer I'll try to figure outlist those which uniform polyhedra are abstractly isomorphic. The othertwo main referencereferences for this answer isare the paper "Closed-Form Expressions for Uniform Polyhedra and Their Duals" by Peter Messer and the page "Polytopes & their Incidence Matrices" by Richard Klitzing.
For uniform polyhedra, it suffices to consider the "vertex cycle symbol" which is a list of the $k$ faces around each vertex (up to cyclic permutations). Since there is just one kindIn earlier revisions of vertex, this information is enough to reconstruct the polyhedron and the face lattice; see Section 3 of Messer's paper for an explanation of the notation and howanswer I attempted to get themsay something about abstract isomorphism from the Wythoff symbols. Appendix B of Messer's paper provides a convenient listtable of the (non-prismatic) uniform polyhedra by their Wythoff symbols and vertex cycle symbols, see also this Wikipedia list, where these are listed in the "vertex figure" column.
Using these tablesMesser's paper, it's easybut as I wasn't able to check the following necessary condition for abstract isomorphism for the entries in Tito Pieza III's list: conjugate polyhedra have the same vertex cycle symbolsget very far with that approach, provided we only look at the numerators of the labels that appearI've deleted it. The denominator of a face in the vertex cycle symbol encodes how the face is realized; if the denominator is 1, then it's a convex polygon, but if it's greater than 1, it's a self-intersecting starfirst two comments to this answer refer to that text.)
For example, consider the first conjugate pairKlitzing's page seems to be unique in Tito Pieza III's listthat they indicate which have Wythoff symbols $5|2\, 3$ and $5/2|2\, 3$. The vertex cycle symbols are $3^5$ and $3^{5/2}$ respectively. Both of these symbols encode a cyclesets of 5 triangles around a vertex. In the former case, the five triangles are laid out in the usual way without intersection and "winding number 1" and in the latter case, they have winding 2. Thesepolyhedra are easily seen to be abstractly isomorphic, but it's unfortunately a bit tricky to navigate (as they are both realizationsI could not find an easy to parse list of just the abstract icosahedron).
As another more interesting example, consider75 non-prismatic uniform polytopes; the pair $3|3\, 5/2$ ($U_{30}$) and $3/2|3\, 5$closest was ($U_{47}$this). Their vertex cycle symbols are $(3\cdot5/2)^3$ and $(3\cdot5)^{3/2}$, respectively. In the first case we haveWith (triangle, pentagram, triangle, pentagram, triangleWikipedia's list of uniform polyhedra, pentagram) aroundI managed to find each vertex with winding 1 and inof the second case, we have (triangle, pentagon, triangle, pentagon, triangle, pentagon) around each vertex with winding 2. Both polyhedra haveon his site by googling their names with the same face latticekeyword "site:bendwavy. This pair is not in Tito Pieza's list, since the squared circumradii of both polyhedra are both $3/2$ which is degree 1, however there's still a sense in which they are conjugate!org".
Here's an example from the comments showing that this is not enough, consider the uniform polyhedra corresponding to the Wythoff symbols $\frac{5}{3}\, \frac{5}{2}|3$ ($U_{62}$), $\frac{5}{4}\, 5|3$ ($U_{65}$), and $\frac{5}{3}\, 5|3$ ($U_{44}$). The vertex cycle symbols are $(\frac{5}{2}\cdot6\cdot\frac{5}{3}\cdot6)$, $(5\cdot6\cdot\frac{5}{4}\cdot6)$ and $(5\cdot6\cdot\frac{5}{3}\cdot6)$ which all have the same numerators. While the first two are abstractly isomorphic (as we can see from these pages), the third polyhedron has twice the number of faces, edges and vertices of the first two!a summary:
The conjugate groupings of uniform polyhedra in Tito Pieza III's list correspond to abstract isomorphism classes of uniform polyhedra except that:
- 13 and 14 in his list form one abstract isomorphism class ($U_{33},U_{61},U_{43},U_{42}$ are all abstractly isomorphic),
- 23 ($U_{46}$) is actually abstractly isomorphic to $U_{64}$,
- $U_{30}$ and $U_{47}$ are abstractly isomorphic, but not on the list of conjugates,
- $U_{62}$ and $U_{65}$ are also abstractly isomorphic and not on the list of conjugates,
- and finally, 22 ($U_{12}$) is in an abstract isomorphism class on its own, as are $U_n$ with $n=1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,15,16,36,38,41,44,45,56,59,62,65,75$ (the same list as in his comment on that answer, except that 30, 47, 62, 64, 65 are omitted, per above).
I'm not sure if there's a quick way to determine from the vertex cycle symbol whether two uniform polyhedra are abstractly isomorphic or not. However, it shouldn't take too long to go through(Here's the text document I compiled while searching Klitzing's site that includes the links to eachnames of the polyhedra on this page of Richard Klitzing's to figure out which polyhedra are abstractly isomorphicin nonsingleton abstract isomorphism classes and links.)
To get from this to the squared circumradii, the results in the paper cited in Igor Pak's answer state that the squared circumradii of two conjugateabstractly isomorphic polyhedra should be roots of the same polynomial (actually we require some generalization of those theorems to non-simplicial polyhedra, which might be straightforward).
Added: one thing to keep in mind is that the polynomial equations satisfied by general polynomial invariants (in the sense of Fedorchuk and Pak's paper) could be reducible. So their results alone are not sufficient to show that circumradii of uniform polyhedra that are abstractly isomorphic are actually Galois conjugate.
One thing to keep in mind is that the polynomial equations satisfied by general polynomial invariants (in the sense of Fedorchuk and Pak's paper) could be reducible. So their results alone are not sufficient to show that circumradii of uniform polyhedra that are abstractly isomorphic are actually Galois conjugate.
Indeed, the fact that the abstract isomorphism classes above don't all correspond to the Galois conjugacy classes found previously bear this out!