For elliptic curves, one may easily compute Mumford-Tate groups; there are just two cases:
$E$ has no complex multiplication, and the Mumford-Tate group of $E$ is $GL_2$
$E$ has complex multiplication by a field $k$ and the Mumford-Tate group $E$ is a torus (of dimension two) in $GL_2$ induced by $k$.
In any case, the list of possible dimensions of Mumford-Tate groups of elliptic curves is $\{2,4\}$.
Is it possible to explicitly classify all the Mumford-Tate groups of abelian surfaces? What about special cases, such as abelian surfaces $A$ such that $End^0(A)$ is real quadratic. What is the list of possible dimensions of Mumford-Tate groups in this case?