If one replaces the real line with the Walsh ring $F_2[t](\frac{1}{t})$ (or equivalently, replaces the Fourier transform by the Fourier-Walsh transform), then Littlewood-Paley projections become precisely the same thing as martingale differences. See for instance the lecture notes of Pererya and Ward at
or my own lecture notes at
Very roughly speaking, the difference between the two is the difference between a sine wave and a square wave - and the latter, when viewed in binary, depicts the fluctuation of a random bit. In contrast, a sine wave of frequency comparable to $2^k$ (and more generally, a Littlewood-Paley projection to that range of frequencies) depends primarily, but not exclusively, of the $k^{th}$ bit in the binary expansion of the domain variable - and one can view the binary bits of the domain variable as independent random variables.