The following might be well known and/or embarrassingly simple.
The motivation is the well known result by Auslander that the projective dimension of the Jacobson radical equal the global dimension minus one.
Let $A$ beGiven a finite dimensional algebra $A$ with JacbosonJacobson radical $J$ and radical series $0=J^n \subseteq J^{n-1} \subseteq ... \subseteq J$.
Are the following true and/or well known:
- Is the global dimension of $A$ equal to the injective dimension of $J$?
Is the sequence $id(J^i)$global dimension of $A$ equal to the injective dimensionsdimension of $J^i$ weakly decreasing$J$?
I can prove this for algebras with finite global dimension (orand in general algebras)?it should be equivalent to the inequality $injdim(J) \geq injdim(J^2)-1$, see my answer.
- Is the sequence $pd(J^i)$ of projective dimensions of $J^i$ weakly decreasing for algebras with finite global dimension (or general algebras)?
I did tests for some quiver algebras and found no counter example, but those algebras had rather special properties.
For example I found a proof of 1. for higher Auslander algebrasSee also .